
How to register an account?

  1. Click the button in the top nav bar
  2. Fill the register form and click on Register button
  3. Wait for confirmation email - Check your mailbox
  4. Click the "Confirm my email" link
  5. Click the button
  6. And voila! You have successfully registered your account on TokenHive

How to list a token?

  1. Register an account
  2. Once registered and connected, click the button in the top nav bar
  3. Fill the form, providing a logo pic and info about your token
  4. Agree terms and conditions
  5. Wait a few hours for the team to validate your request

About tokenhive.xyz

TokenHive is the premier multi blockchains & tokens listing tracker where projects and investors meet and discover each other.. TokenHive is a platform where projects can market their token or blockchain to potential investors for free! Simply, ask your community to vote for your token to attract the interest of all our visitors and investors! The more votes you have, the more visibility you get! Or visit our Promote Your Token page and for a small fee you can advertise and promote your token right on the TokenHive website and on our social media platforms! Every cryptocurrency project or blockchain can be listed by Applying Here, if your application is approved, your token will be listed within 24 hours, and it will become visible on the TokenHive website for voting. Users of the TokenHive website can vote for their favorite token once every 24 hours. So, make sure your community comes back daily to vote!

About PengolinCoin

PengolinCoin (PGO) is a Proof of Stake (PoS), open source, decentralized blockchain-based cryptocurrency utilizing the zkSNARKS and Sapling privacy protocols for shielded transactions. PengolinCoin is focused on user privacy, achieving fast and inexpensive transactions, an active and involved community, and real-world utilization. Website

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